数据透视 - 商场(如沃尔玛)选址应用
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PostgreSQL , 数据透视 , cube , grouping sets , rollup






1. 人群属性表


create table people(    id serial8 primary key,  -- 用户ID    c1 int2, -- 年龄分段, 假设分5个档, 使用0,1,2,3,4表示    c2 int2, -- 个人收入分段, 假设分3个档, 使用0,1,2表示    c3 int2, -- 车龄分段, 假设分5个档, 使用0,1,2,3,4表示    c4 int2, -- 家庭收入分段, 假设分3个档, 使用0,1,2表示    c5 int2, -- 固定资产分段, 假设分3个档, 使用0,1,2表示    c6 int2  -- 存款分段, 假设分3个档, 使用0,1,2表示  );

2. 人群动态轨迹


使用PostgreSQL PostGIS插件,可以很方便的记录轨迹数据,并且支持GIST索引,可以快速的根据某个区域或范围搜索对应的人群。

create table people_loc(    id int8,  -- 用户ID    -- loc geometry,  -- 位置    crt_time timestamp  -- 时间  );


1. 生成1000万人群的测试数据, 其中车龄为4, 年龄段为4的不插入,制造一些空洞。

insert into people (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6)  select   mod((random()*10)::int,4),  mod((random()*10)::int,3),  mod((random()*10)::int,4),  mod((random()*10)::int,3),  mod((random()*10)::int,3),  mod((random()*10)::int,3)  from generate_series(1,10000000);  postgres=# select * from people limit 10;   id | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6   ----+----+----+----+----+----+----    1 |  2 |  1 |  3 |  0 |  1 |  2    2 |  0 |  0 |  1 |  0 |  1 |  0    3 |  2 |  1 |  0 |  2 |  0 |  2    4 |  1 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  1 |  2    5 |  3 |  2 |  2 |  1 |  2 |  1    6 |  1 |  2 |  0 |  0 |  1 |  1    7 |  2 |  1 |  0 |  1 |  0 |  0    8 |  1 |  1 |  0 |  1 |  0 |  2    9 |  3 |  0 |  3 |  1 |  2 |  1   10 |  3 |  2 |  2 |  0 |  2 |  1  (10 rows)

2. 生成1000万人群轨迹数据

insert into people_loc (id, crt_time)  select random()*10000000, now()+format('%L', (500000-random()*1000000))::interval  from generate_series(1,10000000);  postgres=# select * from people_loc  limit 10;     id    |          crt_time            ---------+----------------------------   7278581 | 2017-03-05 16:35:13.828435   3456421 | 2017-03-07 09:08:26.853477    976602 | 2017-03-04 18:47:49.176176   1996929 | 2017-03-11 08:46:31.955573   6590325 | 2017-03-11 14:48:55.231263   7252414 | 2017-03-04 08:17:28.731733   8763332 | 2017-03-01 15:37:11.57363   9426083 | 2017-03-11 17:51:46.474757   4399781 | 2017-03-05 08:07:45.962599   9049432 | 2017-03-09 14:10:42.211882  (10 rows)


1. 选择人群



select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date;


这里使用了IN,PostgreSQL 的优化器很强大,JOIN时数据库会自动聚合,不必在这里GROUP BY,原理可参考如下文章。

2. 数据透视

PostgreSQL的SQL兼容性非常强大,对于数据透视,可以使用grouping sets, cube, rollup等语法。

select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt  from   people  where id in (    select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date  )  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,());   c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6 |   cnt     ----+----+----+----+----+----+---------      |  0 |    |    |    |    |  555530      |  1 |    |    |    |    |  555525      |  2 |    |    |    |    |  475596      |    |    |    |    |    | 1586651      |    |    |  0 |    |    |  554079      |    |    |  1 |    |    |  555864      |    |    |  2 |    |    |  476708      |    |    |    |    |  0 |  554738      |    |    |    |    |  1 |  554843      |    |    |    |    |  2 |  477070      |    |    |    |  0 |    |  554552      |    |    |    |  1 |    |  555073      |    |    |    |  2 |    |  477026    0 |    |    |    |    |    |  396349    1 |    |    |    |    |    |  475616    2 |    |    |    |    |    |  397502    3 |    |    |    |    |    |  317184      |    |  0 |    |    |    |  396947      |    |  1 |    |    |    |  475504      |    |  2 |    |    |    |  395852      |    |  3 |    |    |    |  318348  (21 rows)

更多透视用法参考cube, rollup, grouping sets用法。

目前PostgreSQL, HybridDB, Greenplum都支持以上语法。

3. 结果转换


with tmp as (  select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt  from   people  where id in (    select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date  )  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())  )  select case   when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1   when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2   when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3   when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4   when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5   when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6   else 'cnt' end AS col,  t1.cnt as private,  t2.cnt as all,  t1.cnt::numeric/t2.cnt as ratio  from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2  ;   col  | private |   all   |         ratio            ------+---------+---------+------------------------   c2_0 |  555530 | 1586651 | 0.35012740672019240526   c2_1 |  555525 | 1586651 | 0.35012425542857250901   c2_2 |  475596 | 1586651 | 0.29974833785123508572   cnt  | 1586651 | 1586651 | 1.00000000000000000000   c4_0 |  554079 | 1586651 | 0.34921290189209851442   c4_1 |  555864 | 1586651 | 0.35033791300040147455   c4_2 |  476708 | 1586651 | 0.30044918510750001103   c6_0 |  554738 | 1586651 | 0.34962824212760083976   c6_1 |  554843 | 1586651 | 0.34969441925161866094   c6_2 |  477070 | 1586651 | 0.30067733862078049930   c5_0 |  554552 | 1586651 | 0.34951101407934069937   c5_1 |  555073 | 1586651 | 0.34983937866613388830   c5_2 |  477026 | 1586651 | 0.30064960725452541233   c1_0 |  396349 | 1586651 | 0.24980225645085151051   c1_1 |  475616 | 1586651 | 0.29976094301771467071   c1_2 |  397502 | 1586651 | 0.25052894429839958504   c1_3 |  317184 | 1586651 | 0.19990785623303423374   c3_0 |  396947 | 1586651 | 0.25017915092859110163   c3_1 |  475504 | 1586651 | 0.29969035408542899478   c3_2 |  395852 | 1586651 | 0.24948901806383382357   c3_3 |  318348 | 1586651 | 0.20064147692214608001  (21 rows)  Time: 8466.507 ms

perf report

# Events: 8K cycles  #  # Overhead   Command       Shared Object                                               Symbol  # ........  ........  ..................  ...................................................  #       6.29%  postgres  postgres            [.] comparetup_heap              |              --- comparetup_heap                 |                           |--41.84%-- (nil)                 |                           |--33.36%-- 0x1                 |                           |--8.44%-- 0x23e8e                 |                           |--8.43%-- 0x2                 |                            --7.93%-- 0x3       5.16%  postgres  postgres            [.] slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138              |              --- slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138       3.82%  postgres  postgres            [.] mergeprereadone              |              --- mergeprereadone       3.79%  postgres  postgres            [.] qsort_ssup              |              --- qsort_ssup       3.51%  postgres  postgres            [.] tuplesort_gettuple_common.lto_priv.1348              |              --- tuplesort_gettuple_common.lto_priv.1348                 |                           |--32.14%-- 0x1                 |                           |--22.28%-- 0x2                 |                           |--18.95%-- (nil)                 |                           |--11.41%-- 0x10                 |                           |--5.72%-- 0x3                 |                           |--1.91%-- 0x3d84d9                 |                           |--1.91%-- 0xef259                 |                           |--1.91%-- get_select_query_def.lto_priv.1324                 |                           |--1.91%-- 0x95c9af                 |                            --1.88%-- 0x3a0e54

4. left join 补缺(可选)

对于空洞值,如果你要补齐的话,使用left join即可

select * from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2')) t (col);   col    ------   c1_0   c1_1   c1_2   c1_3   c1_4   c2_0   c2_1   c2_2   c3_0   c3_1   c3_2   c3_3   c3_4   c4_0   c4_1   c4_2   c5_0   c5_1   c5_2   c6_0   c6_1   c6_2  (22 rows)


with tmp as (  select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt  from   people  where id in (    select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date  )  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())  ),  tmp2 as (  select case   when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1   when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2   when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3   when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4   when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5   when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6   else 'cnt' end AS col,  t1.cnt as private,  t2.cnt as all,  t1.cnt::numeric/t2.cnt as ratio  from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2  )  select t1.col,coalesce(t2.ratio,0) ratio from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2'))   t1 (col)   left join tmp2 t2  on (t1.col=t2.col)  order by t1.col;    col  |         ratio            ------+------------------------   c1_0 | 0.24980225645085151051   c1_1 | 0.29976094301771467071   c1_2 | 0.25052894429839958504   c1_3 | 0.19990785623303423374   c1_4 |                      0   c2_0 | 0.35012740672019240526   c2_1 | 0.35012425542857250901   c2_2 | 0.29974833785123508572   c3_0 | 0.25017915092859110163   c3_1 | 0.29969035408542899478   c3_2 | 0.24948901806383382357   c3_3 | 0.20064147692214608001   c3_4 |                      0   c4_0 | 0.34921290189209851442   c4_1 | 0.35033791300040147455   c4_2 | 0.30044918510750001103   c5_0 | 0.34951101407934069937   c5_1 | 0.34983937866613388830   c5_2 | 0.30064960725452541233   c6_0 | 0.34962824212760083976   c6_1 | 0.34969441925161866094   c6_2 | 0.30067733862078049930  (22 rows)

5. 行列变换(可选)


create extension tablefunc;  select * from   crosstab($$  with tmp as (  select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt  from   people  where id in (    select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date  )  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())  ),  tmp2 as (  select case   when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1   when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2   when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3   when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4   when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5   when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6   else 'cnt' end AS col,  t1.cnt as private,  t2.cnt as all,  t1.cnt::numeric/t2.cnt as ratio  from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2  )  select 'row'::text , t1.col,coalesce(t2.ratio,0) ratio from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2'))   t1 (col)   left join tmp2 t2  on (t1.col=t2.col)  order by t1.col  $$  )  as  (  row text,  c1_0 numeric,  c1_1 numeric,  c1_2 numeric,  c1_3 numeric,  c1_4 numeric,  c2_0 numeric,  c2_1 numeric,  c2_2 numeric,  c3_0 numeric,  c3_1 numeric,  c3_2 numeric,  c3_3 numeric,  c3_4 numeric,  c4_0 numeric,  c4_1 numeric,  c4_2 numeric,  c5_0 numeric,  c5_1 numeric,  c5_2 numeric,  c6_0 numeric,  c6_1 numeric,  c6_2 numeric  );   row |          c1_0          |          c1_1          |          c1_2          |          c1_3          | c1_4 |          c2_0          |          c2_1          |          c2_2          |          c3_0          |          c3_1            |          c3_2          |          c3_3          | c3_4 |          c4_0          |          c4_1          |          c4_2          |          c5_0          |          c5_1          |          c5_2          |          c6_0          |            c6_1          |          c6_2            -----+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------  +------------------------+------------------------+------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+----  --------------------+------------------------   row | 0.24980225645085151051 | 0.29976094301771467071 | 0.25052894429839958504 | 0.19990785623303423374 |    0 | 0.35012740672019240526 | 0.35012425542857250901 | 0.29974833785123508572 | 0.25017915092859110163 | 0.29969035408542899478   | 0.24948901806383382357 | 0.20064147692214608001 |    0 | 0.34921290189209851442 | 0.35033791300040147455 | 0.30044918510750001103 | 0.34951101407934069937 | 0.34983937866613388830 | 0.30064960725452541233 | 0.34962824212760083976 | 0.3  4969441925161866094 | 0.30067733862078049930  (1 row)








create extension btree_gist;

2. 递归优化



3. case when 优化,在使用本例的cube,grouping sets,rollup前,或者其他不支持数据透视语法的数据库中,可以使用case when的方法来聚合,但是每条数据都要经过case when的计算,耗费很大的CPU。

select     sum(case when c1=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c1_0,    sum(case when c1=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c1_1,    sum(case when c1=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c1_2,    sum(case when c1=3 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c1_3,    sum(case when c1=4 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c1_4,    sum(case when c2=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c2_0,    sum(case when c2=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c2_1,    sum(case when c2=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c2_2,    sum(case when c3=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c3_0,    sum(case when c3=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c3_1,    sum(case when c3=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c3_2,    sum(case when c3=3 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c3_3,    sum(case when c3=4 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c3_4,    sum(case when c4=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c4_0,    sum(case when c4=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c4_1,    sum(case when c4=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c4_2,    sum(case when c5=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c5_0,    sum(case when c5=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c5_1,    sum(case when c5=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c5_2,    sum(case when c6=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c6_0,    sum(case when c6=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c6_1,    sum(case when c6=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::numeric as c6_2  from   people  where id in (    select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date  );            c1_0          |          c1_1          |          c1_2          |          c1_3          |            c1_4            |          c2_0          |          c2_1          |          c2_2          |          c3_0          |            c3_1          |          c3_2          |          c3_3          |            c3_4            |          c4_0          |          c4_1          |          c4_2          |          c5_0          |          c5_1          |          c5_2            |          c6_0          |          c6_1          |          c6_2            ------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+--------  ----------------+------------------------+------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+----------------  --------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------   0.24980225645085151051 | 0.29976094301771467071 | 0.25052894429839958504 | 0.19990785623303423374 | 0.000000000000000000000000 | 0.35012740672019240526 | 0.35012425542857250901 | 0.29974833785123508572 | 0.25017915092859110163 | 0.29969  035408542899478 | 0.24948901806383382357 | 0.20064147692214608001 | 0.000000000000000000000000 | 0.34921290189209851442 | 0.35033791300040147455 | 0.30044918510750001103 | 0.34951101407934069937 | 0.34983937866613388830 | 0.3006496072545  2541233 | 0.34962824212760083976 | 0.34969441925161866094 | 0.30067733862078049930  (1 row)  Time: 8282.168 ms

perf report

# Events: 8K cycles  #  # Overhead   Command       Shared Object                                               Symbol  # ........  ........  ..................  ...................................................  #      12.15%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecMakeFunctionResultNoSets              |              --- ExecMakeFunctionResultNoSets                 |                            --100.00%-- (nil)       7.11%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecEvalCase              |              --- ExecEvalCase                 |                            --100.00%-- (nil)       6.85%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecTargetList.isra.6.lto_priv.1346              |              --- ExecTargetList.isra.6.lto_priv.1346       5.43%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecProject.constprop.414              |              --- ExecProject.constprop.414       5.37%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecEvalScalarVarFast              |              --- ExecEvalScalarVarFast       4.35%  postgres  postgres            [.] slot_getattr              |              --- slot_getattr       4.13%  postgres  postgres            [.] advance_aggregates              |              --- advance_aggregates       3.43%  postgres  postgres            [.] slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138              |              --- slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138       3.12%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecClearTuple              |              --- ExecClearTuple       2.82%  postgres  postgres            [.] IndexNext              |              --- IndexNext       2.45%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecEvalConst              |              --- ExecEvalConst                 |                            --100.00%-- (nil)


1. 语法cube, grouping sets, rollup给数据透视提供了比较好的便利。

2. 行列变换可以使用tablefunc插件。

3. case when过多时,对CPU的开销会比较大。

4. 结合PostGIS可以很方便的基于地理位置和时间维度,分析人群特性。

5. 阿里云HybridDB, PostgreSQL都能提供以上功能,其中HybridDB为分布式数据仓库。


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